One of the outstanding aspects of the HLRN is the supra-regional, interdisciplinary operating competence network, which supports users during the whole process of the project application, project lifetime, as well as project extension. The competence network consists of experts from different application areas of scientific computing. The GWDG has one local expert advisor as the first point of contact for users on site and seven expert advisors from various fields.

Expert advisorExpertise
Jack OgajaLocal expert advisor
Martin Leandro PaleicoLife Science
Christian BoehmeChemistry
Christian KöhlerPhysical Chemistry
Sebastian KreyData Science
Jack OgajaFluid Dynamics, Earth System Science
Patrick HöhnComputational Fluid Mechanics
Mohammad Hossein BiniazArtificial Intelligence
Narges LuxArtificial Intelligenze
Chirag MandalDeep Learning

Information on how to get started can be found here. For general support requests, please refer to